Aaron Josef Hernandez, born November 6, 1989, a famous football player who won the College Football championship for universities, ended his life by hanging himself in the beam. cell of Souza-Baranowsko Shirly prison at the age of 27. This tragic outcome can only be explained by having star disease and not being able to control oneself.

The tragic end of an American football star photo 1

Aaron Hernandez on the field and during his arrest 

Aaron Josef Hernandez was born in Bristol, Connecticut, the son of Dennis Hernandez, of Puerto Rican descent, and Terri Valentine-Hernandez, of Italian descent. Mr. Dennis passed away when Hernandez was 16 years old. According to Hernandez’s mother, his father’s death greatly affected Hernandez, especially his rebellious temperament.

Committed suicide 5 days after being acquitted

At 3:50 a.m. on Wednesday, April 19, 2017, according to Souza-Baranowski prison spokesman Christopher Fallon, prison guards discovered Hernandez unconscious in his cell. An hour later, the former Super Bowl champion New England Patriots star was announced to have breathed his last at UMass Memorial-HealthAlliance hospital in Leominster.

Hernandez is being held alone in a cell, in a maximum security state prison. He hanged himself using a bed sheet tied tightly to the cell window. Hernandez even tried to block the door from the inside with different objects.

Attorney Jose Baez then wrote on behalf of Hernandez’s family: “The family and lawyers are very surprised and shocked by the information about Aaron’s death. There was no conversation or information on Aaron’s part that suggested he could do such a thing. He expected justice to give him a second chance to prove his innocence. Those who loved and cared for him were heartbroken and wanted to know the truth about his sudden death. We ask the authorities to conduct a transparent and comprehensive investigation. The Baez Law Firm will participate by opening its own investigation into this tragic event.”

Mr. Brian Murphy, Hernandez’s former sports agent, affirmed that Hernandez never thought about suicide. “My family and I love you so much, we know you would never do such a thing,” Mr. Murphy said.

During his trial the week before his suicide, Hernandez shed tears after being acquitted of murder charges in the 2012 shooting deaths of Daniel de Abreu and Safiro Furtado in Boston. Before his acquittal, everyone People saw Hernandez blowing four kisses to his daughter and fiancée Shayanna Jenkins-Hernandez. All cameras recorded this touching moment of exchange. 

However, he was still sentenced to life in prison without parole for shooting Odin Lloyd in 2013. Odin Lloyd was a gardener, also played rugby and dated Jenkins-Hernandez’s sister. .

Hernandez was acquitted of the murders of Abreu and Furtado. Previously, prosecutors said they were shot to death for throwing drinks at Hernandez, in a nightclub in Boston. The jury found Hernandez not guilty of murder but charged him with illegal gun possession. 

Aaron Hernandez took his own life, perhaps because he was too shocked to receive a life sentence right after the court acquitted him of two murders in 2014. But Hernandez cannot blame anyone except himself for disregarding the lives of others. and taking people’s lives for very trivial reasons.

The tragic end of an American football star photo 2Victim Odin Lloyd

The gardener’s smelly body

On the morning of June 19, 2013, residents of the city of Attleboro in Bristol County, Massachusetts, going for morning exercise, smelled a stench rising from a newly dug hole in an abandoned lot. they reported to the police.

It was not difficult to turn over the still loose layer of soil. The police discovered that underneath the hole was the body of a black man with 6 bullet holes all concentrated in the head area. Through fingerprints, investigators identified victim Odin Lloyd. According to the assignment schedule of the person in charge at the Tree Care Company where Lloyd works, on June 18 and 19, 2013, Lloyd will trim the grass on the grounds of the 600m² villa of Hernandez, the star. rugby that everyone in the area knows.

But right after the first day of work, the team leader was unable to contact Lloyd to update work progress, so he informed Mrs. Ursula Word, Lloyd’s mother, about the mysterious disappearance. of her child.

The Attleboro City Police Department immediately opened an investigation. Investigators found the victim’s cell phone smashed and thrown right next to the fence of the villa. At the same time, homeowner A. Hernandez could not explain to investigators why he intentionally destroyed his security camera system worth $1.3 million. 

Hernandez was put on the police’s list of suspect number 1 because he intentionally erased all traces of the scene of the murder, which was stored on the camera hard drive days before. In addition, the police also identified the perpetrator’s fingerprints left on Lloyd’s work clothes.

On June 26, 2013, Hernandez was officially served with an arrest warrant by the Attleboro Prosecutor’s Office, charged with first-degree murder by intentionally disposing of the victim’s body after shooting the victim, as well as being deprived of his rights. pay bail bond. 

During the process of expanding the investigation, investigators discovered that Hernandez had a not very clean background, especially during his time studying at Miami University, Florida. 

Hernandez has been arrested many times by local police and administratively punished for causing public disorder and carrying illegal weapons. Hernandez was privileged to become a student at Miami University thanks to his athletic achievements in high school.

The trial process made it clear that Hernandez’s motive for shooting and killing victim Lloyd was surprisingly simple. According to the subject’s testimony, while sitting in the living room watching “Odin” working through the window, he saw the gardener operating a mini lawn mower and whistling to the tune of musical songs. rock is popular, it looks really “eye-catching”.

The full text of defendant Hernandez’s confession to the jury: Just because “he kept boasting and acting like he was the true owner of the grand mansion”, Hernandez hated the lawnmower. Enraged, Hernandez pulled out a newly purchased pistol with a silencer from the kitchen table drawer, gently approached the victim from behind and silently brought the gun to Lloyd’s head level, releasing the entire magazine. Hernandez then took the victim’s body and buried it in a deserted area, nearly 2km from the scene.

I was disappointed because I thought I could escape the crime

In addition, the rugby superstar also faces another trial on charges of attempted murder. According to prosecutors, on July 16, 2012, at an intersection near Chinatown in the South End district in Boston, Massachusetts, one of the men who had just been drinking at the club collided. Enter Hernandez.

Hernandez waited for the men to leave the club, drove up next to their car, shouted “overtake” and began shooting at their car, killing 29-year-old Daniel Jorge Correia de Abreu and Safiro Teixeira Furtado is 28 years old, both are black.

In this Boston double murder, police recovered a gun that matched the bullet used to kill Abreu and Furtado. A witness who survived in the car confirmed that Hernandez was the culprit. On May 15, 2014, the perpetrator was indicted by the Boston Public Prosecutor’s Office for murder, at which time Hernandez was imprisoned in connection with the murder of gardener O. Lloyd.

Hernandez was tried by court on charges of killing these two people but was not convicted. Glad that he did not have to go to jail because he had paid to hire a team of good lawyers, Hernandez was devastated with the life sentence for killing Lloyd.